10 Tips to Help Your Child Prepare For Kindergarten

10 Tips to Help Your Child Prepare For Kindergarten

               Kindergarten can be challenging for even the most prepared kid. It’s not only about learning how to read, do math, and other school-based skills; it’s also about making friends, learning social skills, and adjusting to an entirely new environment with different rules and expectations than home. This article will give tips on preparing your child for kindergarten, so they’ll be ready to take on all of these challenges with confidence and a positive attitude toward school. Here are 10 tips to help your child prepare for Kindergarten.

1. Know what's on the horizon.

                     Every School year, kids show up with backpacks filled with crayons and blank paper, ready to make friends and learn. But there’s so much more than that meets the eye. As parents, we want our kids to be confident learners who are eager to explore their world. Here are ten tips for helping your child prepare for the excitement of kindergarten.

  1. Visit your child’s future classroom in advance to get a sense of what’s ahead.
  2. Read with them every day before they start school.
  3. Read aloud to them as often as you can, and help them practice reading on their own.
  4. Encourage pretend play.
  5. Let them use cookie cutters or cardboard boxes as pots and pans, or dress-up clothes from Grandma’s closet as superheroes.
  6. Set up stations where they can create and invent new games together.
  7. Give them opportunities to solve problems on their own by trying out different strategies.
  8. Encourage empathy, such as what would happen if I were standing over there. How would I feel? Why is he crying? Is he angry at me?
  9. If your child is playing with toys, stop occasionally to ask about how she feels about her teddy bear getting taken away or about why someone might not like this toy.
  10. Enjoy with them the new beginning of their life.

2. Plan, Practice, and Stay organized.

                  Preparing your child for kindergarten is just as important as preparing yourself. To help your child get the most out of their time at school, start with these five tips:

  1. Plan ahead of time:- Make sure you are prepared by doing things like getting the paperwork completed and purchasing supplies.
  2. Practice with them:- Rehearse what the day will be like and what they should expect on their first day, such as going through their locker one more time or talking about classes in advance.
  3. Stay Organized:- Use a binder to keep track of all papers related to your child’s school.
  4. Be a Partner:- The transition from home life to school life can be difficult, so make sure you have a strong relationship with your child’s teacher so that both sides are working together to make this process successful.
  5. Don’t over-schedule yourself:- As much as it may seem like a good idea, try not to schedule too many activities outside of work during the week so that you can spend quality time with your children before they head off into this new world on their own.

3. Build Self-Esteem.

                 One of the best ways you can help your child prepare for kindergarten is by building their self-esteem. Building a strong sense of self-worth will help them handle the frustrations that come with an early introduction to education and socialization.

                 It’s also important to nurture a positive, healthy self-image as they grow into adulthood. Talk to your child about what they are good at, what they are proud of themselves for accomplishing, and how others see them. Be sure to give genuine compliments and encouragement whenever possible. If they succeed in something or excel in a particular area, make sure to take note and let them know how much it means to you.

                Focus on all the positives, not just the negatives. Children need reminders that even though mistakes happen (and everyone makes mistakes), it doesn’t mean they’re bad or stupid – this is one way you can build self-esteem for your child.

4. Remain Calm.

                 It’s common for both children and parents to experience some level of anxiety about the transition from home-based activities, including nap times, bottle feedings, reading stories and playing at home with friends and family members. As your child prepares to enter kindergarten, there are a few things you can do to help your child feel more comfortable.

  1. Take time off work. Do what is necessary so that you have time available to be with your child on their first day of school.
  2. Spend extra time getting ready in the morning. Help them get dressed, brush teeth, put shoes on and eat breakfast together if possible.
  3. Make sure they understand why they are going to school.
  4. Find out what the school’s expectations are before you go in for a tour or meeting, so you know what to expect when it comes to class time, homework requirements etc.
  5. Get involved in PTA fundraising events or volunteering within the community as much as possible to show your child that it is important to give back. 

5. Get Comfortable with New Experiences.

               Your child is going to have a ton of new experiences during the first few weeks of kindergarten. This can be both scary and exciting at the same time. There are several ways you can help your child get used to their new environment so that they feel safe and more prepared. Help them get comfortable being on time. Kids may not naturally know what time is right before school starts, which can make things difficult when it’s time for them to go.

6. Communicate with your kid.

               Communication is key with kids. Start by engaging them in the process of planning for school and talk about their first day at the best possible opportunity. One way you can do this is by talking about what they are excited about and what they’re going to wear.

               Let them know that if they have any fears or concerns, you will always be there for them. Show your child your calendar, so they can see when the new month starts and get familiar with how the school year will progress.

7. Leave no questions unanswered.

  1.  Practice, practice, practice! Review with your child all the letters and sounds that are found in his or her name. Take a spin around the house or visit their playroom and see if they can recognize their toys and all the games. As you’re reading together, look for words that start with the same letter as their name and point them out.
  2. Review numbers by starting with easy counting ones before getting into tens and hundreds digits, this will help them get a basic understanding of numbers while they’re young, Which will make it easier when you want them to be involved in more advanced math concepts later on,
  3. Encourage questions!

8. Show, Don't tell.

                You can prepare your child to feel more comfortable in kindergarten by doing a few things. Here are 5 tips to help you prepare your child.

  1. Spend time preparing new things together with your child so that they feel ready for the big day.
  2. Create a plan of what the week will look like and let them know about anything special that will happen at school.
  3. Pack their lunch the night before and don’t forget a napkin. 
  4.  Pick out clothes that fit, aren’t too tight or too loose, and make sure everything is clean.
  5. Share your excitement about going to school with them, but also be prepared for tears.

9. Go Over the top with supplies.

               Every parent knows that preparing their child for kindergarten is no easy task. But don’t worry, with these easy tips you’ll be ahead of the game before they even start school. First, buy an overabundance of supplies – pencils, erasers, glue sticks, notebooks, and so on. You will want enough for each day, plus a few extras in case there are any forgotten or lost items.

               Second, take your child shopping and get them as many clothes as possible (but not too many!). It’s also a good idea to give them their own set of bedding and bathroom supplies.

               Thirdly, make sure you have a busy box ready for when they’re at home waiting on the bus or sitting in line – books are great, but other ideas include crayons, coloring books, pencils, drawing pads, and sticker books.

10. Let them play and learn on them own.

         To help your child prepare for kindergarten, make sure they are learning by exploring the world on their own. Encourage them to talk about what they see, and ask questions while they’re at it. When there’s something that catches their attention, give them time to explore it. Just remember to stay close and encourage your child’s curiosity with show-and-tell sessions at home. Draw or tell a story together and then share it with someone.

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